
NeogCamp Level-0

S.No | Project | TechStack | Description — | — | — | —
1 | Emoji Translator | HTML, CSS, VanillaJS | A fun Web-App to add Emoji’s to your English Text. 2 | Food-Emoji Interpreter | HTML, CSS, ReactJS | My first ever Web-App developed using ReactJS. The application can be used to find the meaning of food related emojis. This app depicts my understanding about how to use ReactJS to build an application from scratch. 3 | My BOMOTV Recommendations | ReactJS, HTML, CSS | This is a log of the books, movies, TV-Series that I’ve read and watched over time. It’s made using React!! 4 | Are you a Cricket Enthusiast? | NodeJS | Okay so you think you’re a cricket enthusiast. Let’s see if you answer these simple questions. It’s an interesting CLI app built on NodeJs to test your cricketing knowledge. 5 | Funtoosh - Find a Fun Activity | HTML, CSS, VanillaJS | A GUI app to find a fun activity for yourself when getting bored. 6 | Let’s see how well do you know me? | NodeJS | Umm.. you call me your friend. Let’s see if you can answer these questions about me. The project is focused on building a command-line app using NodeJS. 7 | Minion Banana Talk | HTML, CSS, VanillaJS | A GUI app to convert your text into minion language (Despicable Me), depicting my understanding about use of public APIs, HTML, CSS, Javascript.

VanillaJS Projects

S.No. | Project | TechStack — | — | — 1 | Pomodoro Timer | HTML, CSS, VanillaJS


S.No. | Project Name | Live | Tech-Stack — | — | — | —
1 | 404 Not Found | LIVE | HTML,CSS 2 | My Team Page | LIVE | HTML, CSS 3 | Interior Consultant | LIVE | HTML, CSS, JS 4 | Recipe Page | LIVE | ReactJS, HTML, CSS 5(WIP) | Edie Homepage | LIVE | ReactJS, HTML, CSS

ReactJS Practice Projects

S.No | Project Name | Live | Type — | — | — | — 1 | Counter | LIVE | BASIC-1 2 | Twitter Character Counter | LIVE | BASIC 3 | Password Matcher | LIVE | BASIC 4(WIP) | My Figma | LIVE | INTERMEDIATE 5 | Add to Cart | LIVE | INTERMEDIATE 6 | Switch Tabs | LIVE | BASIC 7 | Toast Message | LIVE | BASIC 8(WIP) | Todo Strikethrough | LIVE | BASIC 9 | Dark Mode | LIVE | BASIC 10 | Like in a List | LIVE | BASIC 11 | Calculator | LIVE | BASIC 12 | Stopwatch | LIVE | BASIC